Archive for August 2013

Hello hello, here I am again... my Yoshi is slowly growing!!!

Today I've finished with adding the arms to the head by building the upper part of his chest and back. It was done with a lot of cursing because the arms were a bit heavy for the glue to hold well and it kept slipping away and I hadn't much space for my fingers to keep it all nicely together.

Another negative thing: Yoshi is growing! That makes him more difficult to handle when I am turning him on my lap to find the correct angle to add the next piece to him. I'll have to watch out in the future that I wouldn't burst it somehow as I haven't used thick paper. Here are the pictures:

Pikachu likes his big friend and can't wait till he is completed!!!

Greetz Binoshi!

Papercraft: Yoshi (2)

Hello hello, here I am again... my Yoshi is slowly growing!!! Today I've finished with adding the arms to the head by building the up...
Posted by : Unknown
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Hiyaz Peops.

Yesterday I continued working on the creation of my bracelets. I drawed the sketch on the EVA-foam and cutted it out. My first experience with foam... Well I've learned a few things:

  1. It is very flexible: Cutting straight lines with a cutter and a ruler is a hard job to do for long lines. I thought I was still on the line but the longer I cutted the more the foam compressed together resulting into a curved line. So I had to recreate a part. My solution to this --> use a scissor!
  2. Cutting small pieces with round edges is still a pain in the ass with a cutter (isn't as smooth as I like) and with a normal scissor (is too large for small pieces). Will try it out someday with a smaller scissor
My next steps will be continuing the sketching on the foam and gluing the pieces together. Below you can see my progress so far!

Greetz Binoshi!

Cosplay: The making of a bracelet (2)

Hiyaz Peops. Yesterday I continued working on the creation of my bracelets. I drawed the sketch on the EVA-foam and cutted it out. My firs...
Posted by : Unknown
Monday, August 12, 2013
Konichiwa (Hello) people!!!

Today I started with creating my FIRST item for Cosplay. Actually I am not that far advanced yet but after searching several days on the web for patterns, drawings and such I finally got it in my mind of how I wanted it. Now let me first tell you my plans.

My plans are first to discover how it is to work with some material before I go for the bigger challenges. So I found a tutorial on youtube from N1nja G1rl which I will use as my guidelines. Sawing the video below mades me decide to go for a bracelet as well, but still a bit different.

Well as you see her bracelet is a bit straight, making it as wide at the bottom as on top. I have decided to make one that would fit more to my arms and will be also a few cm's taller. So today I finished the first step in her tutorial and that is sketching it. Here is my sketch and the reason above explains why it has the shape of an upside-down trapezium. And on the second picture it is somewhat my aim on how I will try to make the outcome (by shape, not colors) and to stay in a Celtic mood I've chosen a Shamrock for the crest:

I hope you enjoy the idea of it :) Btw drawing Celtic knots (even when you have an example for your nose) is a pain in the ass!

Greetz Binoshi!

Cosplay: The making of a bracelet

Konichiwa (Hello) people!!! Today I started with creating my FIRST item for Cosplay. Actually I am not that far advanced yet but after sea...
Posted by : Unknown
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Hiyaz all!

As you saw with the previous Papercraft topic, my Pikachu was finished. So I started with a second one but I saw it big already. I started with Yoshi who will become 50cm high and contains 40 pages to complete it. But making such huge things also takes time (absolutely when you have also other projects in life). I started in January this year with making it and last week I've finished with the head. I am halfway now (^_^). Here are the pics of my progress:

 Finished the first hand!

Finished the second hand!

Finished the nose!

Finished the head!

I wonder how long it will take to finish the rest (^_^) But I like the results that I have now very much!!!

Greetz Binoshi

Papercraft: Yoshi

Hiyaz all! As you saw with the previous Papercraft topic, my Pikachu was finished. So I started with a second one but I saw it big already...
Posted by : Unknown
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Good day ladies and gentleman.

A small post about an event that occurred in the past! Last month I had a first time experience with meeting cosplayers. Before I've seen them already at conventions like "Japan Expo" and "Made in Asia" in Brussels. (That is Belgium for those who have never heared of it. And Belgium is that tiny little dot above France on the globe) Too bad I didn't had the guts to talk to them because I was pretty new to the anime/cosplay/convention world. So all I did was taking a few pictures that you can find on my facebook page also (Click on the picture):

Later on I got connected with a facebook community named "Cosplay Cloud" and got dragged in more and more and saw that they were organizing meetings as well. Now last month there was one closely and I didn't had to work that day. Excellent... except that I didn't knew any of them. :-( But if you never take a first step, you don't go anywhere so I decided to go! And it was worth the experience. Here I also took a lot of pictures (click image below). Oh and they did some little dancing as well (^_^) I loved it and it asks for more!!!

Enjoy the pictures and the short clip!

Greetz Binoshi!

Cosplay: A first active meeting!

Good day ladies and gentleman. A small post about an event that occurred in the past! Last month I had a first time experience with meetin...
Posted by : Unknown 0 Comments
Pikachu was my first meet with Papercraft. Only 4 sheets of paper but terribly tough with the following parts: Fingers, feet and attaching the last piece without giving it some dents. He turned to be around 15 cm high. Here are the pictures:

 I think the result was pretty well for a first try with Papercraft ;)

Greetz Binoshi!

Papercraft: Pikachu

Pikachu was my first meet with Papercraft. Only 4 sheets of paper but terribly tough with the following parts: Fingers, feet and attaching t...
Posted by : Unknown 0 Comments
Hello Hello!!!

This blog I have started to summarize all my artwork on a specific place. Mostly it will handle Papercraft, Cosplay Creations and Photography. Sometimes I will also post things about Cosplay Meetings or post my opinion om something new that showed up or what seems interesting to me.

I hope you all will enjoy the blog!

Binoshi Forcena!

Hello Hello!!! This blog I have started to summarize all my artwork on a specific place. Mostly it will handle Papercraft, Cosplay Crea...
Posted by : Unknown 0 Comments

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