Archive for 2013

Hello Hello everyone...

Long time no see, well it had been pretty busy in the meanwhile. I went to another convention "Japan Expo" in the beginning of November. A few of the pics: (the rest you can find on my Facebook page)

Papercraft: Yoshi (6)

Hello Hello everyone... Long time no see, well it had been pretty busy in the meanwhile. I went to another convention "Japan Expo&quo...
Posted by : Unknown
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Hiyaz Ladies and Gentlemen

Here I am again... In the meanwhile the convention for which I made my Fenrir outfit has passed. I am pleased to tell you that my outfit did finished in time (although the chest-armor didn't came out so nicely as I hoped it would be (also the wig was bit too much hairy for it).

I only have worn it for half a day as it seems the airco was malfunctioning and it was freaking hot in there. So after half a day, I went back into photography mode. But we are speaking about my costume here, so a few more pics about the building up and the result of it!

My workspot

Everything cut out and glued together afterwards. That caused two
burning marks due to the hot glue (pic below). But after it I could start
painting it many many times

The result of my arm guard and leg guard

The final result!

Greetz Binoshi

PS: for the pictures of the convention, those are on my!

Cosplay: My first costume! (2)

Hiyaz Ladies and Gentlemen Here I am again... In the meanwhile the convention for which I made my Fenrir outfit has passed. I am pleased ...
Posted by : Unknown
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Konnichiwa folks!

In the meanwhile I am working hard on my costume as I have only 9 days left for the conventions... The previous days I had been busy with taping myself to be able to make some patterns for my armor. Now all the patterns are cut out and I am busy with copying them to the craft foam and cutting them out. Here is my progress in pictures!

Right: The pattern for my head gear
Left: The pattern for my clawhand
The pattern for my chest armor
Adding the patterns to foam, my knees didn't like me :p
Cutting it out... and as you can see I am going to use
cycling gloves and cover shoes for my outfit as well (^_
A closer look on the glove and shoe (the foam on top)
is part of the arm gear
My wig has arrived also! Woohoo!!!
(btw I hate mail tracking sites: THEY LIE!!!
according to it, my wig is still in Peking, lol)
This one I really really like... it seems to be getting the right shape!
Sayonora and greetings, Binoshi!

Cosplay: My first costume!

Konnichiwa folks! In the meanwhile I am working hard on my costume as I have only 9 days left for the conventions... The previous days I h...
Posted by : Unknown
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

It was a pretty busy weekend as the title said. Saturday I went to a meeting, from the Belgian Cosplay Community named CosplayCloud, in Leuven City. Around 40 people showed up and we explored a few comic stores, carnival store and a gameshop (mainly dedicated to cardboard games like dungeons & dragons, warhammer, ...). But before we went on a shopping spree, we had fun at the park playing some games over there. Some did some anime poses, other just did some chitchat and a big group just took part in a game "werewolves - hero edition". And of course I won as evil character Loki (^_^) YAY ME!!!

Some pics to give you an impression:

The gathering!
Playing Werewolves!
Invasion of the carnival shop!
Oh well, up to the next day... I finally started with the first steps of my very first cosplay outfit. The character I will be playing is Fenrir Alioth Epsilon. He is an Epsilon God Warrior from the Anime "Saint Seiya" aka "Knights of the Zodiac" aka "Les Chevaliers du Zodiac". So here is a pic of a figurine from him:

And today I started with drawing out the patterns for the first parts of his armor! The Clawheads on his hands and his head armor (I don't know if I may call this a helmet). Well, here are two pics of the patterns I made. You may think that it is only the half of it... well it is because it is symmetric, I'll cut out the other half using the pattern multiple times.

The pattern of the claw for the hand!

One side of the head armor!
I am glad that I've finally started working on it... hoping my outfit will be ready within 2 weeks. (That is why I haven't finished yet my bracelets :-) )

Greetz Binoshi!

Cosplay: A busy weekend!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, It was a pretty busy weekend as the title said. Saturday I went to a meeting, from the Belgian Cosplay Commun...
Posted by : Unknown
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Hello fella's,

Here I am with a new blog. This time it is related with the bracelets. I continued working on them because they are my training material and I need to finish a Cosplay outfit before the 19th of October and darn, it is approaching fast! That day I will be going to F.A.C.T.S. (the largest convention of the Benelux).

Oh well enough blah blah blah... let's see how the work on my bracelets are evolving!

First I made my own Mod Podge with some old leftover glue
(the blanco tube) and did 50/50 glue and water but it was still
way too liquid. So I added some extra glue to it. Now it is better
but still pretty liquid. Next portion that I will made is around 75%
glue and 25% water!
Then I hot glued the pieces of my bracelet together and ironed
them afterwards (between sheets of flyers) to fold them into the
right direction. (3 seconds of ironing and then you get around
10 seconds for heat-forming them). When that was done, I
started with covering the bracelets with the Mod Podge. It took
me half a day to add 7-8 layers on them.

When the Mod Podge layer was done, I added the first layer
of paint to it. My initial tought was making it gold or silver, but
I hadn't it in my reach and I didn't wan't to buy it as it was just
a test object. So I took the blue and it seems perfect for the cosplay
outfit I have in mind. So lucky me!!! Now it still needs one or two
more layers of paint and a layer of varnish! 

Greetz Binoshi!

Cosplay: The making of a bracelet (3)

Hello fella's, Here I am with a new blog. This time it is related with the bracelets. I continued working on them because they are ...
Posted by : Unknown
Monday, September 30, 2013
Look who is standing on his own now! Great job of him (^_^) Well this will be the last blog of Yoshi before he is finished but also to let you know that Project Yoshi will be put on hold, starting from today as I am going to continue on my bracelet (see other blogs) to gain experience.

This because in less then a month a pretty large convention is coming up and I wishes to have my cosplay costume finished by that time... So that project will get the priority now in front of Yoshi. For the progress of that costume, I'll also post some blogs ;) So there will be blogging activity in here ;-)

Well to stop the chitchat... here he is... proud and stout!

Greetz Binoshi!

Papercraft: Yoshi (5)

Look who is standing on his own now! Great job of him (^_^) Well this will be the last blog of Yoshi before he is finished but also to let ...
Posted by : Unknown
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Well hello there... again a Yoshi news flash, but this time it is because his main body is finished. So only 12 pages left that contains his feet and shield... Damn he is looking jolly now, can't wait to finish him!!! Here two pics (one of my workplace and one were Yoshi is stealing the show!)

Greetz Binoshi!

My workplace:
1) screen left: Japanese/Anime/Ost Playlist (very relaxing)
2) screen right: Pepakura Viewer helping me to build Yoshi!
3) The pink stuf next to Yoshi: My material for a bracelet!

1) He is cute!
2) He is adorable!
3) He is just fabulous!

Papercraft: Yoshi (4)

Well hello there... again a Yoshi news flash, but this time it is because his main body is finished. So only 12 pages left that contains his...
Posted by : Unknown
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Yoshi keeps growing all the way... still 14 pages left to go! I love it, but there is a small thing about it that I don't like that much (^_^). Now that he is getting bigger, I have to stand up all the time to glue the next pieces to his body. It also caused me one time a misplacing of the pieces so I had to do a small surgery on him. Took a small sharp scissor and had to cut it loose and glue it back with scraps of paper on the inside.

As you could see in the last blog regarding Yoshi, you could see that I had connected the arms with the head thanks to a small bit of chest pieces. Now in the meanwhile, I've finished his tail which is a funny piece when separated from the body and attached it. Now his belly is also almost complete... 5 more pieces and the belly is complete. 

The only items that remains after this are his legs/feet and his backshield. I am wondering how long it will still take to finish him completely. Below you can see him growing!!!

Greetz Binoshi!

 Above you see him as he was in the previous blog and his cute little tail!

 Here the tail was connected but I had to be very very carefully as it was
only connected to the body with 4 small pieces!

 And this is how he looks for the moment! For me he is marvelous!!!

Papercraft: Yoshi (3)

Yoshi keeps growing all the way... still 14 pages left to go! I love it, but there is a small thing about it that I don't like that muc...
Posted by : Unknown
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Hello my friends! Blogging time again (^_^)

Last weekend I went both days to a convention @ the Japanese Gardens in Hasselt (Belgium). First day was a rainy day but it didn't spoil the atmosphere! The second day it was a bright sunny day... so I decided to let you enjoy some pic's I took last weekend.


  Greetz Binoshi!

Cosplay: A convention at the Japanese Gardens

Hello my friends! Blogging time again (^_^) Last weekend I went both days to a convention @ the Japanese Gardens in Hasselt (Belgium). Fir...
Posted by : Unknown
Monday, September 9, 2013

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